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Blog and FAQs

We’ve now decided to start a separate blog on our main streets-ahead.com website and we’ve moved all the FAQs to it as well. It gives us a better opportunity to write business-related information, and it keeps all the ‘status’ info separated.

Our new Blog at Streets Ahead

Created/Updated: by Graham Street

We’ve had a blog for a while, with its main use as a method of keeping customers informed of any service problems or planned maintenance.

That blog still exists and is held on a different server and network to our main website and our hosted customers. That ‘server/network status’ blog is powered by WordPress and still runs at sa-servers.com. Now and again, we’d write small articles and advice on that blog, mixed in with the server status info.

We’ve now decided to start a separate blog on our main streets-ahead.com website and we’ve moved all the FAQs to it as well. It gives us a better opportunity to write business-related information, and it keeps all the ‘status’ info separated. We’ve also switched away from WordPress.

This new Blog and FAQ area is written with Perch CMS, using the free Blog ‘add on’. Almost all new development at Streets Ahead is done with Perch and we have a growing band of very happy Perch customers with us.

Hope you enjoy what we have to say, and that you find it useful.



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